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제목 [기본] [Devo] Showcase : Journey to the Autonomous SOC 날짜 2022.08.10 14:13
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지난 8월 3일 진행된 미국 Devo사의 "Journey to the Autonomous SOC" 웨비나 동영상을 아래의 URL 링크를 통해 다시 볼 수 있습니다. 

본 웨비나에서 Autonomous SOC의 3개 축은 Data, Analytics, Community인데 각각에서 요구되는 내용은 다음과 같다고 요약하여 결론을 맺습니다.

Data in the Autonomous SOC
What does the SOC need?
* Increased Data Retention
* Search Speed
* High Search Concurrency
* Diversity of data

Analytics in the Autonomous SOC
What does the SOC need?
* No-Code Analystics
* No rigid schemas
* Flexible search operations
* Integrated Threat Enrichments
- Embedded Automation

Community in the Autonomous SOC
What does the SOC need?
- Access to Expertise
- Regular content updates for current attacks
- A bi-directional sharing capability

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